Click on image to enlarge. Specimen: Michael Davis; Photo: Dan Snyder |
A slice through a small eclogite pebble from San Onofre breccia. Red and brown garnet with green pyroxene. Thanks to Distinguished Professor Michael Davis, University of California - Riverside, for the specimen. Found as beach rock, Camp Pendleton (USMC), California. Optical scan of sawed surface. Long dimension of imaged area 33 mm.
Click on image to enlarge. Photo: Dan Snyder |
Reflected-light photomicrograph of a small portion of the above sample. 2x objective. Imaged area 2.7mm by 4mm.
Click on image to enlarge. Photo: Dan Snyder |
Higher-magnification image of left center of previous image. Subhedral pyroxene grains visible at right of large garnet grain. Black grains are rutile, a common accessory in eclogite. Reflected-light photomicrograph. 4x objective. Imaged area 1.3mm by 2mm.
Click on image to enlarge. Photo: Dan Snyder |
Photomicrograph of part of thin section of same specimen at same scale as previous image. Black forms are garnet grains, brightly colored grains are pyroxene. Note many inclusions in garnet. Beige triangular grain at right is amphibole. XPL. Imaged area 1.3mm by 2mm.